KIDS are in for a treat next week when the much-loved Hooley Dooleys appear at Newcastle Panthers on Friday, October 7.
The Hooley Dooleys are one of the country's best- loved children's groups and provide kids with endless amounts of fun dancing and singing.
The men behind the Hooley Dooleys are David Butts, Antoine Demarest and their friends Penelope Perfect, Captain Catastrophe, Russell the Muscley Kangaroo, Tickle the Doodat and Poss. Over the past nine years, The Hooley Dooleys have built up a huge following of dedicated toddlers over Australia with their dynamic concerts.
According to Butts, the real secret of silliness is reaching out to children.
``Our shows are about inviting kids to get up and move around, to really relate to our music, and to laugh and have a great time,'' Butts said.
The group's success has seen the release of numerous albums and videos including the latest Super Doper which is the ninth album and eighth video from the group.
In addition, they have featured in their own series of children's books, and in 1999 won the ARIA award for Best Children's Album with Pop.
They were ARIA finalists again in 2001, 2002 and 2004.
Now The Hooley Dooleys are also on the small screen.
Their music clips are shown on ABC and their television series is aired in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Italy and the UK.
``It's been a real progression for us,'' Demarest said.
``We began at the grass roots level, playing live to playgroups and kindergartens, and worked our way up by recording albums, then doing videos and bigger tours, and now the television thing has happened, which is really exciting.'' The Hooley Dooleys appear at Newcastle Panthers on October 7 from 10am. Tickets cost $12 per person and are on sale at the club.