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Festival with Saul

Festival with Saul

What: Glenworth Valley Festifal

GLENWORTH VALLEY FESTIVAL organiser BRANDON SAUL ran the original HOMEBAKE festival in BYRON BAY. The 2500-acre property at Glenworth Valley, near Peats Ridge, features three stages, an outdoor cinema, and a 24-hour on-site market where fresh food is available.

Saul, an economics/law graduate, began organising entertainment as a student.

He also played Hammond organ in a psychedelic Sydney group THE MOFFS that was popular at the same time as THE SCIENTISTS and THE BEASTS OF BOURBON. 'I was crap at it, but that's my start, and I've been promoting things ever since,' he said.

Tickets for the festival on December 28-29 have been sold mostly in blocks of five.

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