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Home : Articles : 2000 : December : 27 : Jukebox will have New Year's Eve joint jumping

Jukebox will have New Year's Eve joint jumping

Jukebox will have New Year's Eve joint jumping

Who: Dave Sutherland
Where: Club Phoenix
When: Sunday December 31, 2000

RADIO station personality DJ DAVE SUTHERLAND will host fun activities for adults at Club Phoenix on New Year's Eve, during a live broadcast of KO-FM's JUKEBOX SATURDAY NIGHT. Promotions and marketing director KIRSTEN WILLOUGHBY said Jukebox Saturday Night appeared 13 times each year at registered clubs.

'People throughout the Hunter have partied to the sounds of Jukebox Saturday Night for over 10 years,' she said.

'Dr' Dave Sutherland will host games such as KO-FM'S DRESSING SHED where couples must be the quickest to change clothes in order to win a prize.

Another game called PICNIC IN YOUR PANTS involves couples sliding a chocolate bar up a trouser leg and down the other leg, then being the first to eat the bar.

Other games include a miming game called ALL STARS and a guessing game CELEBRITY HEAD. The SNAPE BROS trio will perform in the Lounge Bar. TE

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